Am I done yet?

So, yeah. I’m continually asking myself this very question. Am I done yet? Every day, and every hour, this question comes to me. The more I ask it, the more I find myself responding back to myself, DAMN, I certainly hope so!

I’ll begin with a little personal history lesson. I was born on a farm in New Jersey, into an average, middle-income family consisting of the prerequisite father, mother, and two sisters (one of which may have been adopted, but no one has been able to confirm that), in the latter half of the 1950’s making me a Baby Boomer. When I turned one year old, my family relocated to a relatively small town just north of Detroit, Michigan. I can still recall many wonderful days there enjoying my youth with my neighbor, and best friend, Nancy. We did everything together. We even thought that one day we would be married. But, that would never be. When I reached the ripe old age of seven in 1965, my father’s employer transferred him, and by extension, our family to Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Where the F*** is Pine Bluff, Arkansas?

You know what? It really dosen’t fucking matter anymore…

Pieprzę ciebie i cały świat, jestem gotów umrzeć!

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