And Away We GO!

Every great model railroad layout has to start somewhere. Even the really bad ones. I’m hoping for the previous.

I chose to begin with the KATO (pronounced KAH-toe [in Japanese]) M2 Basic Oval and Passing Track set, model #20-853. The M1 Basic Oval Track1 set just seemed TOO basic for my wants. The M2 set adds a passing side and a couple lengths of straight track that makes for a slightly more interesting layout to begin with.

Yes, I know. This layout is extremely simplistic. Even for me. In my plan, I have a number of phases that are defined (i.e. constrained) mostly by my financial abilities. Time is not an issue.

What you see in the image is the completion of Phase-1. Getting started.

Phase-2 has already begun.

  1. Here is an image of the KATO M1 Basic Oval starter set. Not mine.
    A promotional image of the KATO M1 Basic Oval start set, sans rolling stock. ↩︎

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