So here it is, the blank slate. This is the very bare-bones, four-foot by eight-foot by thirty-six inch high base table upon which my newest hobby, N-Scale model railroading, shall exist. I built this table (construction plans are available [here’s a sample]) during the week of Christmas in 2024 and placed it in its new home on December 31st of that same year.

Once (if?) I wake up from what will hopefully be an uneventful New Years Eve evening, I shall begin with the layout process.
Perhaps this might be a good time to explain my thought process that got me to this point.
I live alone in what most people would describe as a very small, two-bedroom, one and one-half bath home. Space, as you might surmise, is at a premium. As I mentioned previously, this layout table (shown above) is in my 2nd, or “spare” bedroom, in which there was a queen-sized bed and small dresser. Up to now.
During the last six years I’ve had a TOTAL of zero, zip, nada, bupkis visitors take advantage of this room. That is why I’ve decided to put it to use for my own, selfish pupose. Model railroading.
I’ve placed the layout/table in this “2nd bedroom”, which is now, I suppose, my NEW hobby/train room. I never have overnight guests so this is, in my humble opinion, a much better use for the room. I’ve completely cleared and cleaned it out so I can have a fresh, new beginning.
Your welcome to follow along as I proceed, step-by-painful-step through this somewhat less than fascinating journey.